Why Artful Entrepreneurship
Welcome to the world of "Artful Entrepreneurship." Artful Entrepreneurship is not just a buzzword or a passing trend. Art practices unlock the full potential of our being creative. And, we practice art not to impress but to express. That is Artful Entrepreneurship in action ! So, why Artful Entrepreneurship?
Personal Artistic Journeys: Nurturing Leadership Authenticity
How do we evoke the artist within (us and everyone else) instead of defaulting to planning? Nurturing our personal artistic journey is not just about self-expression; it's about human development. Your personal artistic journey is a pathway to authenticity, and as you lead authentically, you inspire others to do the same.
What Art and Entrepreneurship have in common?
Art is a journey into the depths of human expression. Entrepreneurs, like artists, dare to dream, and care to create bringing into light what didn’t exist before they dreamt of it. In the end, artist and entrepreneurs are kindred spirits in the grand tapestry of human development and evolution.
Artful Entrepreneurship Defying Norms, and Transforming Tomorrow
Transforming tomorrow through artful entrepreneurship is a rebellious brushstroke on the canvas of work. Artful entrepreneurship is a playground where creativity and commerce don't just exist but resonate. Artful entrepreneurship isn't a trend; it's a practice.
Artful Leadership: A Mosaic of Diversity and Inclusion
What if leadership was a mosaic, crafted from an array of tesserae, each representing the diverse experiences and perspectives within the team? Artful leaders recognize that true inclusion is not about uniformity but about fostering an environment where every distinct tesserae contributes and enhances the overall vibrancy of the mosaic.
Sell your Cleverness
"Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment. Cleverness is mere opinion, bewilderment is intuition." Rumi
Despite prestigious titles and work arrangements, many of us experience daily the struggle to find the energy to get out of bed.
Artful Mindset
I want to explore with you another "mindset", the Artful Mindset. Artful Mindset is centred around self-expression, experimentation, beauty, harmony.These are the stepping stones of development as a whole human being. Will we approach life and consequently work with an artful spirit or remain trapped in old ways of being and doing?
A Path to Entrepreneurial Success: Artful Entrepreneurship
While these qualities are essential, there's an often-overlooked element that can elevate our entrepreneurial journey to new horizons: the artful mindset. This potential isn't limited to artists or performers; it is innate to all of us. Tell Your Story: Share your journey, values, and dreams. Here are some practices...
Nurturing the Entrepreneurial Spirit: A journey of Artful Innovation
As we embark on this journey with Artful Entrepreneurship, we are reminded to view entrepreneurship not as a cold, calculating endeavour but as a canvas for artistic expression. In artful entrepreneurship, the journey is just as significant as the destination.
On the edge of r-evolution: Artful Entrepreneurship
Artful Entrepreneurship is the daring grass growing between the cracks of cold cement. Artful Entrepreneurs are called to create in the uncertainty of the crack. That is also how the light comes out.
Artful Entrepreneurship transforming leadership
Leaders (we all are leaders) who embrace their artistic spirits are more in tune with their emotions and vulnerabilities. Begin your journey to Unlock the Artful Mindset by downloading the free course here. Yet, there is an awakening to the profound and essential role of artistry on our leadership presence.
The Canvas of Resilience: Painting Life with an Artful Mindset
I have already written about resilience and resilient artful entrepreneurship. Today, I want to expand more on embodying an artful mindset to be able to cultivate resilience. The artful mindset revels in the chaos, viewing each twist and turn as an opportunity for creative expression.